Street Style:
Perfect Sunday:
* Saw something beautiful on Roba;)
* Ate a Big Mac and a chocolate sunday
* Now im studying all collections on
* In an hour my spinning marathon will start
That's what life is all about, food,fashion and exercise
Perfect Sunday:
* Saw something beautiful on Roba;)
* Ate a Big Mac and a chocolate sunday
* Now im studying all collections on
* In an hour my spinning marathon will start
That's what life is all about, food,fashion and exercise
hihiii, ja va nära o skippa min spinning sessio idag, men sen ne ja läste ditt inlägg så kela ja att ja måst fa :) so thank you
SvaraRaderaHAAA perfekt!Pumppa din rumppa darling!! JEPPI SNART KAN VÅR SKABA BÖRJA IGEN!!!!!!
SvaraRaderaihiii, we need a plan to make a plan to re-do the list!!!! vi måst gå igenom den!!! iik